
How can I support NNIA?

  • Join as a faith community
  • Join as an individual volunteer
  • Contact us if you can help with any of our current needs:

Current Needs

Click on the Signup Genius below to see our most current needs for Volunteers, and send an email to [email protected] to discuss volunteer opportunities.

Join a Long-Term Support Team

Long-term support generally lasts for approximately six months or until we have achieved the original objectives identified with the family. Team with other individuals and/or faith-based communities to provide any of the following to a family that has recently entered the United States:

  • Opportunity to practice English
  • Social and emotional support
  • Education
  • Assistance with applying for government programs (Medicaid, SNAP, ACP, temporary cash management)
  • Job searches
  • Help with doctors’ visits and transportation
  • Help with identifying childcare
  • Access to legal services
  • Technical assistance
  • Clothing and food
  • Housing support
  • Budget advice (open checking account, determine budget, teach currency)

Many experienced volunteers who have provided long-term support to families are eager to share their experience and guidance.

Provide Education Support

Become an ESL tutor (no experience needed), homework helper, or school liaison (help with school / class registrations)

Provide Transportation Support

Be a driver for appointments, provide food / diaper delivery.

Help family member with obtaining license; help with donated cars; provide car repair guidance; help new neighbor obtain car insurance; or teach a family member to take public transportation.

Provide Housing Assistance

Help identify affordable/available housing, assist in apartment setups, help move furniture & supplies into a new home.

Provide Job Support

Assist with resume creation, job searches or interview preparation. Do you have a job that you are trying to fill? Contact us at [email protected].

Support Our Women’s Circle

Assist with childcare, provide snacks, provide transportation to/from the Women’s Circle, assist with setup or cleanup

Get involved with Event Planning

Help with planning, setup, cleanup for events such as our annual picnic and Thanksgiving dinners.

Support with Fundraising or Grant Proposals

Fundraising (outreach, campaigns)

Grant Support (research, project design, proposal preparation, or stewardship and reporting)

Contact Us